Phone: (786) 845-9985

September 2016

Redemption in the Name

His mom is in prison. His dad wants nothing to do with him. At merely ten years old, Eduardo found himself alone, facing a world of danger, poverty and uncertainty, with no earthly defender or protector. Only hurt, fear, and rejection faithfully accompanied him wherever he went.
Looking at Eduardo’s past, we could think that God doesn’t care. He is aloof and unconcerned with suffering. We see that which a little boy like Eduardo has faced, or the countless horrors that others face worldwide, and we wonder.
So, who exactly is Eduardo and what is his story? He came to the home last year with no identification documents, no previous educational experience, and no trust in his heart. He had nobody! He needed a home. He needed security. He needed help. Everything in his life up to that point seemed to affirm that God wasn’t involved and didn’t even care…except for Eduardo’s name. His name, which means “wealthy guardian”, tells a different story, a story of God very involved and at work. A guardian is “a defender, protector, or keeper. A person who looks after and is legally responsible for someone who is unable to manage their own affairs…” While Eduardo had no earthly means to manage his own affairs, and no earthly defender, protector, or keeper for his life, God brought him to the img_3597orphanage, a home where Eduardo could learn of the Lord, his Keeper (Psalm 121:5), who takes up his cause and is a defender of the weak. Eduardo, even in the very meaning of his name, is reminded (and is a reminder to us all) that there is a guardian for Eduardo…a very wealthy one indeed. But it even goes beyond God’s revelation of Himself to Eduardo. It goes into God’s revelation of Eduardo to Eduardo. His name reveals something about who this little boy is called to be. It means that the very lack he experienced doesn’t have to dictate who he becomes. What stood contrary to God’s nature in his life can be the very area that reflects God’s nature the most. Currently, Eduardo bears in his body the effects of his former years of neglect and trauma. He has mental disabilities, an all-too-common result in children who have undergone severe stress. Yet, because of your giving, Eduardo now has the opportunity to understand who he is and to fulfill his destiny, too, as a guardian and defender of the weak. Though he does not yet exhibit those qualities representative of his name, we believe that his life can be transformed as he experiences the love of God at the home. You enable us to support the orphanage and to keep its doors open to boys who, like Eduardo, may one day be able to live out the fullness of God’s glory for their names and HIS!

As mentioned earlier, Eduardo entered the orphanage just over a year ago. We are happy to say that through perseverance, the staff has been able to obtain for him a Peruvian ID and a birth certificate. He also attends a special school where he is working hard to rise to the educational level of other children his age. He has adapted well over the last year. A boy who previously trusted no one and isolated himself, Eduardo now expresses himself freely, enjoys the other children, loves and respects his tutors, and walks in obedience. He knows he is loved at the orphanage. He is also very artistic (and likes to imitate Michael Jackson!). This is all possible because of the donations we receive from those of you willing to share with the poor.img_3793

Along those lines, we want to shout out a special “Thank you!” to all of our faithful partners from Colorado who, over the many years of this ministry, spent time at our orphanages in Venezuela and Honduras serving in whatever capacity was needed. Your love and labor in the Lord were not in vain and were greatly appreciated! We are very grateful for each of you, and we value the beautiful memories we have made together.

In closing, we ask you to keep supporting the work of Christ in Peru. Though Rosa and I are advanced in years now, our desire (and only “retirement plan”) is to continue being the hands and feet of Jesus in whatever way He leads us. It is our joy to continue serving Him and His precious Peruvian children for as long as He enables us to do so. We are deeply grateful for your partnership with us in the journey.

Grace and peace,
Tony and Rosa Rivera
Home of Refuge International, Inc.


Tony and Rosa are very faithful, reliable, honest people.  They are the hardest workers we have ever seen; their leadership qualities have encouraged many people to help others.  Whatever Tony and Rosa decide to do, they do with excellence and perseverance. They are great people and we are privileged to know them.

Ed and Mona Shirley
Mountain High Christian Center
Conifer, Co.